World's Carnivorous Plants

World's Carnivorous Plants

Venus Flytrap

The Venus Flytrap, also known as Dionaea muscipula, is perhaps the most famous carnivorous plant in the world. It is native only to a small region of the United States and can be found growing in bogs and swamps. The plant's leaves, which look like jaws or traps, are armed with sensitive hairs that trigger the "mouth" to snap shut when small insects or spiders crawl inside. The prey is then digested over a period of several days.

Pitcher Plant

The Pitcher Plant, or Sarracenia, is a carnivorous plant that is native to North and South America. Its leaves have a tubular shape that forms a cup or "pitcher" that is filled with digestive fluids. The plant attracts prey, such as flies and ants, with a sweet nectar that trick them into entering the pitcher. Once inside, the prey cannot escape and is slowly digested by the plant's enzymes.

Sundew Plant

The Sundew Plant, or Drosera, is a carnivorous plant that grows in bogs and moist areas all over the world. The plant's leaves are covered in small, sticky hairs that trap insects and spiders. Once caught, the prey becomes stuck and is slowly enveloped by the leaf. The plant then secretes digestive enzymes that slowly dissolve the prey and absorb the nutrients.