
CTRL is a key on the computer keyboard that is used to execute a range of keyboard shortcuts. It is a common key and is used in combination with other keys to perform various tasks. The word CTRL is a shorthand for the control key, and it is pronounced as "control" or "see-tarl." In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce the CTRL key and its uses on the computer keyboard.

How to pronounce CTRL?

CTRL is pronounced as "control" or "see-tarl." Most people prefer to use "control" to pronounce it, while some prefer "see-tarl." Both pronunciations are correct, and it depends on personal preference.

Uses of CTRL key on the computer keyboard

The CTRL key is used in combination with other keys to perform a range of keyboard shortcuts. Here are some of the most common uses of the CTRL key on the computer keyboard:

  • CTRL + C: Copy selected text or object to the clipboard
  • CTRL + V: Paste copied or cut text or object from the clipboard
  • CTRL + X: Cut selected text or object and move it to the clipboard
  • CTRL + Z: Undo last action
  • CTRL + A: Highlight/select all text or object in a file or window
  • CTRL + F: Search for a specific word or phrase in a file or webpage
  • CTRL + P: Print a document or webpage
  • CTRL + N: Open a new window or document in the current application
  • CTRL + S: Save a document or file
  • CTRL + T: Open a new tab in a web browser
  • CTRL + W: Close the current tab or window in a web browser or application
  • CTRL + Alt + Delete: Open the Task Manager on Windows computers
The above list is not exhaustive, and there are many other keyboard shortcuts that you can use with the CTRL key. The combination of the CTRL key with other keys makes navigating and working on the computer faster and more efficient.


In conclusion, the CTRL key is an important key on the computer keyboard, and it is pronounced as "control" or "see-tarl." By using the CTRL key in combination with other keys, you can navigate and work on the computer much faster and more efficiently. Learning and memorizing some of the most common keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time and effort when working on the computer.