
Foxmail is an email client developed by Tencent. With the rise of the Internet, email has become a necessary part of daily communication. However, along with the convenience brought by the use of email, there are also many spam emails filling up our inbox, which can be very annoying. In this article, we will introduce how to use Foxmail to filter out spam messages.

Filter settings

Foxmail provides us with a comprehensive filter function. We can set up a variety of filter options, including keywords in the email subject or content, sender's address, email size, and so on, to effectively filter spam messages. To add a filter, we need to open Foxmail, click on "Tools" in the menu bar, and then click on "Filter" from the drop-down menu.

After that, we can set up the filter conditions according to our own needs. For example, if we frequently receive spam messages containing the word "lottery" in the subject, we can set "lottery" as a filter keyword to block all emails that contain this keyword in the subject.

Blacklist and Whitelist

We can also manually add the sender's address to the blacklist to block messages sent from the sender. Alternatively, we can add the sender's address to the whitelist to ensure that we don't miss important messages sent by that sender. This is particularly useful when we find that some legitimate messages are mistakenly filtered as spam messages.

The blacklist and whitelist settings can be found in the same menu as the filter function, i.e., under "Tools" and then "Filter". We can click on the "Blacklist" or "Whitelist" tab to add or delete addresses.


With Foxmail's filter function, we can easily filter out spam messages and keep our inbox clean. Remember to keep updating the filter conditions and adjusting the blacklist and whitelist settings according to your own email usage situation. By doing so, you can enjoy the convenience of email communication without being bothered by spam messages.

In addition, it is worth noting that while Foxmail's filter function is powerful, it is not perfect. Some spam messages may still slip through the filter. Therefore, it is essential to always be vigilant and pay attention to emails, especially those from unknown senders or containing suspicious content.