How to Write a Resume and Reaching Out to Employers in English

Resume Writing

When writing a resume in English, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, start with your name and contact information (address, phone number, and email address). Make sure this is clear and easy to read. Next, add a summary of your skills and experience. This should be brief but impactful, highlighting your strongest attributes. Then, include your work experience, education, and any relevant certifications or training. Be sure to use bullet points to highlight specific accomplishments and responsibilities within each position.

Additionally, be mindful of the language you are using. Try to use active verbs and quantifiable results. For example, instead of saying "Responsibilities included working with customers," say "Collaborated with customers, resulting in a 10% increase in sales." Also, be sure to proofread your resume several times and have someone else review it before submitting it to potential employers.

Contacting Employers

When reaching out to potential employers, it's important to do so professionally and with purpose. First, research the company and the job you are interested in. This will help you customize your communication to fit their needs and style. Then, craft a brief but impactful email. Introduce yourself and why you are interested in the company or the specific job. Highlight any relevant experience or skills you have that would make you a strong candidate. Finally, ask if they have any openings or if they would be interested in receiving your resume for future consideration. Be sure to attach your resume and any relevant documents to the email.

It's also important to follow up after sending your email. Give the employer a few days to respond, then send a polite reminder email. This shows that you are interested and committed to the job. Keep in mind that it may take several emails or phone calls before you hear back from the employer. If you don't hear back after several attempts, it's okay to move on and focus on other opportunities.


In summary, writing a resume and contacting employers in English requires attention to detail, professionalism, and patience. Take the time to craft a strong and impactful resume that highlights your skills and experience. When contacting potential employers, tailor your communication to fit their needs and style, and follow up politely and persistently. With these tips, you'll be on your way to landing your dream job.