How to Write about Poor English Proficiency on Your Resume


When it comes to writing a resume, it is important to showcase your skills and qualifications to potential employers. However, if your English proficiency is not up to par, you may feel intimidated when it comes to crafting an effective resume. The good news is that there are ways to address this issue and present yourself in the best light possible. Here are some tips on how to write about poor English proficiency on your resume.

1. Be Honest About Your Language Skills

The first step in addressing the issue of poor English proficiency on your resume is to be honest about your language skills. There is no point in pretending that you have a higher level of proficiency than you actually do, as this will only lead to disappointment later on. Instead, be upfront about your English abilities and assess your language skills objectively.

If you are not sure about your proficiency level, you may want to consider taking an English proficiency test, such as TOEFL or IELTS. These tests will give you an accurate idea of your language abilities and will help you to identify areas where you may need to improve.

2. Focus on Your Other Skills and Qualifications

If your English proficiency is not strong, it is important to focus on your other skills and qualifications. Think about the job you are applying for and highlight your relevant experience, education, and training. This will show that you have the necessary skills and expertise to succeed in the role, even if your English proficiency is not perfect.

You may also want to highlight any achievements or accomplishments that demonstrate your abilities. For example, if you have completed a project successfully, led a team, or received awards or recognition for your work, be sure to include this on your resume.

3. Show Your Willingness to Improve

Finally, it is important to show your willingness to improve your English proficiency. Employers are often impressed by candidates who are proactive about their own development and are willing to take steps to improve their language skills.

You may want to include a statement on your resume indicating that you are currently studying English or that you plan to enroll in language classes in the near future. This will show that you are committed to developing your language abilities and are willing to invest time and effort to achieve this goal.


While poor English proficiency may seem like a major obstacle when it comes to writing a resume, there are ways to overcome this issue and present yourself in the best light possible. By being honest about your language skills, focusing on your other skills and qualifications, and showing your willingness to improve, you can craft a compelling resume that highlights your strengths and makes you a strong candidate for the job.