
Nowadays, a resume is not just a simple document listing our education, work experiences, and skills. It is also important to include any patents or inventions we have to show our creativity and problem-solving abilities. In this article, we will discuss how to write patents in a resume.

How to write patents in a resume

The main goal of writing patents in a resume is to showcase our abilities and potential value to prospective employers. To do this effectively, we should include the following information:

  1. The title of the patent: Clearly state the title of the patent in the resume.
  2. The description of the patent: Explain the patent in simple language so that anyone can understand what it is and how it works. This should be brief but accurate.
  3. The number and date of the patent: Include the patent number and the date on which it was granted.
  4. The relevance of the patent to the job: It's a good idea to highlight how the patent can be useful in the job we are applying for.
  5. The impact of the patent: If possible, explain how the patent has impacted society or made a difference in people's lives. This can demonstrate the impact we can have in the workplace.

Tips for writing patents in a resume

Here are some additional tips on how to write patents in a resume:

  • Focus on the most relevant patents: If we have multiple patents, it is not necessary to list them all. Only include the patents that are most relevant to the job we are applying for.
  • Use simple language: Keep the description of the patent brief and easy to understand. We don't want to overwhelm the reader with technical jargon.
  • Be honest: Only include patents that we actually hold. Don't try to claim credit for someone else's work.
  • Proofread: As with the rest of the resume, make sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors in the patent section.
  • Highlight our achievements: If possible, include any awards or recognition we have received for our patents. This can show potential employers that our work has been recognized by others in the field.


Writing patents in a resume can be an effective way to showcase our skills and problem-solving abilities. By following the guidelines and tips outlined in this article, we can make sure that our patents are presented in a clear and professional manner that highlights our unique abilities and potential value to employers.