Learn How to Say Things in Simple English

How to Say Things in Simple English


Learning how to say things in simple English is a useful skill, especially when communicating with people who may not have a strong grasp on the language. Using simpler words and sentences can help convey your message more effectively and avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, simple English is also useful when writing for a wider audience, including those who may not have English as their first language.

Basic Tips

The key to speaking in simple English is to use short, common words and avoid complicated phrasing. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use short sentences that get straight to the point.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to your listener or reader.
  • Use contractions (e.g. "can't" instead of "cannot") to make your language sound more natural and less formal.
  • Avoid idioms or figures of speech that may not translate well to other languages or cultures.
  • Repeat key points or ideas to reinforce your message.


Here are some examples of simple English sentences:

  1. Instead of saying "I'm not certain about that", try "I'm not sure".
  2. Instead of saying "The problem is that the system is not compatible with the latest version", try "The system doesn't work with the new version".
  3. Instead of saying "The paradigm shift is predicated on collaboration and synergy", try "We need to work together to make this change happen".
  4. Instead of saying "I anticipate that we will encounter some obstacles along the way", try "I think we might have some problems".
  5. Instead of saying "The plan is to implement a comprehensive strategy that leverages our core competencies", try "We have a plan that uses our strengths to achieve our goals".

By using simple English, you can make your ideas and messages more clear and accessible to a wider audience. Practice these tips and try using simpler language in your everyday conversations and writing.